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Saturday, August 15, 2015

ISM unit 2 question bank answers 40-44


40. State the Limitations of Firewall Inspection.

Firewalls can only work effectively on traffic that they can inspect. Regardless of the firewall technology chosen, a firewall that cannot understand the traffic flowing through it will not handle that traffic properly—for example, allowing traffic that should be blocked. Many network protocols use cryptography to hide the contents of the traffic. Other encrypting protocols include Secure Shell (SSH) and Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP). Firewalls also cannot read application data that is encrypted, such as email that is encrypted using the S/MIME or OpenPGP protocols, or files that are manually encrypted. Another limitation faced by some firewalls is understanding traffic that is tunneled, even if it is not encrypted. For example, IPv6 traffic can be tunneled in IPv4 in many different ways. The content may still be unencrypted, but if the firewall does not understand the particular tunneling mechanism used, the traffic cannot be interpreted.

In all these cases, the firewall’s rules will determine what to do with traffic it does not (or, in the case of encrypted traffic, cannot) understand. An organization should have policies about how to handle traffic in such cases, such as either permitting or blocking encrypted traffic that is not authorized to be encrypted.

41. Write short note on VPN.

Firewall devices at the edge of a network are sometimes required to do more than block unwanted traffic. A common requirement for these firewalls is to encrypt and decrypt specific network traffic flows between the protected network and external networks. This nearly always involves virtual private networks (VPN), which use additional protocols to encrypt traffic and provide user authentication and integrity checking. VPNs are most often used to provide secure network communications across untrusted networks. For example, VPN technology is widely used to extend the protected network of a multi-site organization across the Internet, and sometimes to provide secure remote user access to internal organizational networks via the Internet. Two common choices for secure VPNs are IPsec and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS).

The two most common VPN architectures are gateway-to-gateway and host-to-gateway.Gateway-to-gateway architectures connect multiple fixed sites over public lines through the use of VPN gateways—for example, to connect branch offices to an organization’s headquarters. A VPN gateway is usually part of another network device such as a firewall or router. When a VPN connection is established between the two gateways, users at branch locations are unaware of the connection and do not require any special settings on their computers. The second type of architecture, host-to-gateway, provides a secure connection to the network for individual users, usually called remote users, who are located outside of the organization (at home, in a hotel, etc.) Here, a client on the user machine negotiates the secure connection with the organization’s VPN gateway.For gateway-to-gateway and host-to-gateway VPNs, the VPN functionality is often part of the firewall itself. Placing it behind the firewall would require VPN traffic to be passed through the firewall while encrypted, preventing the firewall from inspecting the traffic.

All remote access (host-to-gateway) VPNs allow the firewall administrator to decide which users have access to which network resources. This access control is normally available on a per-user and per-group basis; that is, the VPN policy can specify which users and groups are authorized to access which resources, should an organization need that level of granularity. VPNs generally rely on authentication protocols such as Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS).RADIUS uses several different types of authentication credentials, with the most common examples being username and password, digital signatures, and hardware tokens. Another authentication protocol often used by VPNs is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP); it is particularly useful for making access decisions for individual users and groups.

To run VPN functionality on a firewall requires additional resources that depend on the amount of traffic flowing across the VPN and the type of encryption being used. For some environments, the added traffic associated with VPNs might require additional capacity planning and resources. Planning is also needed to determine the type of VPN (gateway-to-gateway and/or host-to-gateway) that should be included in the firewall. Many firewalls include hardware acceleration for encryption to minimize the impact of VPN services.

42. Explain various network layouts with firewall implementation.

Figure 3-1 shows a typical network layout with a hardware firewall device acting as a router. The unprotected side of the firewall connects to the single path labeled “WAN,” and the protected side connects to three paths labeled “LAN1,” “LAN2,” and “LAN3.” The firewall acts as a router for traffic between the wide area network (WAN) path and the LAN paths. In the figure, one of the LAN paths also has a router; some organizations prefer to use multiple layers of routers due to legacy routing policies within the network.

Many hardware firewall devices have a feature called DMZ, an acronym related to the demilitarized zones that are sometimes set up between warring countries. While no single technical definition exists for firewall DMZs, they are usually interfaces on a routing firewall that are similar to the interfaces found on the firewall’s protected side. The major difference is that traffic moving between the DMZ and other interfaces on the protected side of the firewall still goes through the firewall and can have firewall protection policies applied. DMZs are sometimes useful for organizations that have hosts that need to have all traffic destined for the host bypass some of the firewall’s policies (for example, because the DMZ hosts are sufficiently hardened), but traffic coming from the hosts to other systems on the organization’s network need to go through the firewall. It is common to put public-facing servers, such as web and email servers, on the DMZ. An example of this is shown in Figure 3-2, a simple network layout of a firewall with a DMZ. Traffic from the Internet goes into the firewall and is routed to systems on the firewall’s protected side or to systems on the DMZ. Traffic between systems on the DMZ and systems on the protected network goes through the firewall, and can have firewall policies applied.

Most network architectures are hierarchical, meaning that a single path from an outside network splits into multiple paths on the inside network—and it is generally most efficient to place a firewall at the node where the paths split. This has the advantage of positioning the firewall where there is no question as to what is “outside” and what is “inside.” However, there may be reasons to have additional firewalls on the inside of the network, such as to protect one set of computers from another. If a network’s architecture is not hierarchical, the same firewall policies should be used on all ingresses to the network. In many organizations, there is only supposed to be one ingress to the network, but other ingresses are set up on an ad-hoc basis, often in ways that are not allowed by overall policy. In these situations, if a properly configured firewall is not placed at each entry point, malicious traffic that would normally be blocked by the main ingress can enter the network by other means.

The diagrams in Figures 3-1 and 3-2 each show a single firewall; however, many implementations use multiple firewalls. Some vendors sell high-availability (HA) firewalls, which allow one firewall to take over for another if the first firewall fails or is taken offline for maintenance. HA firewalls are deployed in pairs at the same spot in the network topology so that they both have the same external and internal connections. While HA firewalls can increase reliability, they can also introduce some problems, such as the need to combine logs between the paired firewalls and possible confusion by administrators when configuring the firewalls (for example, knowing which firewall is pushing its policy changes to the other firewall). HA functionality may be provided through a variety of vendor-specific techniques.

43. What are the various policies based on ip addresses.

Policies Based on IP Addresses

Firewall policies should only permit appropriate source and destination IP addresses to be used. Specific recommendations for IP addresses include:

• Traffic with invalid source or destination addresses should always be blocked, regardless of the firewall location. Examples of relatively common invalid IPv4 addresses are to (also known as the localhost addresses) and (interpreted by some operating systems as a localhost or a broadcast address). These have no legitimate use on a network. Also, traffic using link-local addresses ( to should be blocked.

• Traffic with an invalid source address for incoming traffic or destination address for outgoing traffic (an invalid “external” address) should be blocked at the network perimeter. This traffic is often caused by malware, spoofing, denial of service attacks, or misconfigured equipment. The most common type of invalid external addresses is an IPv4 address within the ranges in RFC 1918, Address Allocation for Private Internets, that are reserved for private networks. These ranges are to ( in Classless Inter-Domain Routing [CIDR] notation), to (, and to (

• Traffic with a private destination address for incoming traffic or source address for outgoing traffic (an “internal” address) should be blocked at the network perimeter. Perimeter devices can perform address translation services to permit internal hosts with private addresses to communicate through the perimeter, but private addresses should not be passed through the network perimeter.
• Outbound traffic with invalid source addresses should be blocked (this is often called egress filtering). Systems that have been compromised by attackers can be used to attack other systems on the Internet; using invalid source addresses makes these kinds of attacks more difficult to stop. Blocking this type of traffic at an organization’s firewall helps reduce the effectiveness of these attacks.

• Incoming traffic with a destination address of the firewall itself should be blocked unless the firewall is offering services for incoming traffic that require direct connections—for example, if the firewall is acting as an application proxy.

Organizations should also block the following types of traffic at the perimeter:
• Traffic containing IP source routing information, which allows a system to specify the routes that packets will employ while traveling from source to destination. This could potentially permit an attacker to construct a packet that bypasses network security controls. IP source routing is rarely used on modern networks, and valid applications are even less common on the Internet.
• Traffic from outside the network containing broadcast addresses that is directed to inside the network. Any system that responds to the directed broadcast will then send its response to the system specified by the source, rather than to the source system itself. These packets can be used to create huge “storms” of network traffic for denial of service attacks. Regular broadcast addresses, as well as addresses used for multicast IP, may or may not be appropriate for blocking at an organization’s firewall. Multicast and broadcast networking is seldom used in normal networking environments, but when it is used both inside and outside of the organization, it should be allowed through firewalls.

Firewalls at the network perimeter should block all incoming traffic to networks and hosts that should not be accessible from external networks. These firewalls should also block all outgoing traffic from the organization’s networks and hosts that should not be permitted to access external networks. Deciding which addresses should be blocked is often one of the most time-consuming aspects of developing firewall IP policies. It is also one of the most error-prone, because the IP address associated with an undesired entity often changes over time.

44. What are the various policies based on protocols.

Policies Based on protocols

IPv6 is a new version of IP that is increasingly being deployed. Although IPv6’s internal format and address length differ from those of IPv4, many other features remain the same—and some of these are relevant to firewalls. For the features that are the same between IPv4 and IPv6, firewalls should work the same. For example, blocking all inbound and outbound traffic that has not been expressly permitted by the firewall policy should be done regardless of whether or not the traffic has an IPv4 or IPv6 address

As of this writing, some firewalls cannot handle IPv6 traffic at all; others are able to handle it but have limited abilities to filter IPv6 traffic; and still others can filter IPv6 traffic to approximately the same extent as IPv4 traffic. Every organization, whether or not it allows IPv6 traffic to enter its internal network, needs a firewall that is capable of filtering this traffic. These firewalls should have the following capabilities:

• ¬ The firewall should be able to use IPv6 addresses in all filtering rules that use IPv4 addresses.
• ¬ The administrative interface should allow administrators to clone IPv4 rules to IPv6 addresses to make administration easier.
• ¬ The firewall needs to be able to filter ICMPv6, as specified in RFC 4890, Recommendations for Filtering ICMPv6 Messages in Firewalls. ¬
• The firewall should be able to block IPv6-related protocols such as 6-to-4 and 4-to-6 tunneling, Teredo, and Intra-site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol (ISATAP) if they are not required. ¬ • Many sites tunnel IPv6 packets in IPv4 packets. This is particularly common for sites experimenting with IPv6, because it is currently easier to obtain IPv6 transit from a tunnel broker through a v6-to-v4 tunnel than to get native IPv6 transit from an Internet service provider (ISP). A number of ways exist to do this, and standards for tunneling are still evolving. If the firewall is able to inspect the contents of IPv4 packets, it needs to know how to inspect traffic for any tunneling method used by the organization. A corollary to this is that if an organization is using a firewall to prohibit IPv6 coming into or going out of its network, that firewall needs to recognize and block all forms of v6-to-v4 tunneling.

Note that the above list is short and not all the rules are security-specific. Because IPv6 deployment is still in its early stages, there is not yet widespread agreement in the IPv6 operations community about what an IPv6 firewall should do that is different from IPv4 firewalls

For firewalls that permit IPv6 use, traffic with invalid source or destination IPv6 addresses should always be blocked—this is similar to blocking traffic with invalid IPv4 addresses. Since much more effort has been spent on making lists of invalid IPv4 addresses than on IPv6 addresses, finding lists of invalid IPv6 addresses can be difficult. Also, IPv6 allows network administrators to allocate addresses in their assigned ranges in different ways. This means that in a particular address range assigned to an organization, there can literally be trillions of invalid IPv6 addresses and only a few that are valid. By necessity, listing which IPv6 addresses are invalid will have to be less fine-grained than listing invalid IPv4 addresses, and the firewall rules that use these lists will be less effective than their IPv4 counterparts.

Organizations that do not yet use IPv6 should block all native and tunneled IPv6 traffic at their firewalls. Note that such blocking limits testing and evaluation of IPv6 and IPv6 tunneling technologies for future deployment. To permit such use, the firewall administrator can selectively unblock IPv6 or the specific tunneling technologies of interest for use by the authorized testers.

Application protocols can use TCP, UDP, or both, depending on the design of the protocol. An application server typically listens on one or more fixed TCP or UDP ports. Some applications use a single port, but many applications use multiple ports. For example, although SMTP uses TCP port 25 for sending mail, it uses TCP port 587 for mail submission. Similarly, FTP uses at least two ports, one of which can be unpredictable, and while most web servers use only TCP port 80, it is common to have web sites that also use additional ports such as TCP port 8080. Some applications use both TCP and UDP; for example, DNS lookups can occur on UDP port 53 or TCP port 53. Application clients typically use any of a wide range of ports.

As with other aspects of firewall rulesets, deny by default policies should be used for incoming TCP and UDP traffic. Less stringent policies are generally used for outgoing TCP and UDP traffic because most organizations permit their users to access a wide range of external applications located on millions of external hosts.

In addition to allowing and blocking UDP and TCP traffic, many firewalls are also able to report or block malformed UDP and TCP traffic directed towards the firewall or to hosts protected by the firewall. This traffic is frequently used to scan for hosts, and may also be used in certain types of attacks. The firewall can help block such activity—or at least report when such activity is happening

Attackers can use various ICMP types and codes to perform reconnaissance or manipulate the flow of network traffic.18 However, ICMP is needed for many useful things, such as getting reasonable performance across the Internet. Some firewall policies block all ICMP traffic, but this often leads to problems with diagnostics and performance. Other common policies allow all outgoing ICMP traffic, but limit incoming ICMP to those types and codes needed for Path Maximum Transmission Unit (PMTU) discovery (ICMP code 3) and destination reachability.

To prevent malicious activity, firewalls at the network perimeter should deny all incoming and outgoing ICMP traffic except for those types and codes specifically permitted by the organization. For ICMP in IPv4, ICMP type 3 messages should not be filtered because they are used for important network diagnostics. The ping command (ICMP code 8) is an important network diagnostic, but incoming pings are often blocked by firewall policies to prevent attackers from learning more about the internal topology of the organization’s network. For ICMP in IPv6, many types of messages must be allowed in specific circumstances to enable various IPv6 features. See RFC 4890, Recommendations for Filtering ICMPv6 Messages in Firewalls, for detailed information on selecting which ICMPv6 types to allow or disallow for a particular firewall type.

ICMP is often used by low-level networking protocols to increase the speed and reliability of networking. Therefore, ICMP within an organization’s network generally should not be blocked by firewalls that are not at the perimeter of the network, unless security needs outweigh network operational needs. Similarly, if an organization has more than one network, ICMP that comes from or goes to other networks within the organization should not be blocked.

IPsec Protocols
An organization needs to have a policy whether or not to allow IPsec VPNs that start or end inside its network perimeter. The ESP and AH protocols are used for IPsec VPNs, and a firewall that blocks these protocols will not allow IPsec VPNs to pass. While blocking ESP can hinder the use of encryption to protect sensitive data, it can also force users who would normally encrypt their data with ESP to allow it to be inspected—for example, by a stateful inspection firewall or an application-proxy gateway.

Organizations that allow IPsec VPNs should block ESP and AH except to and from specific addresses on the internal network—those addresses belong to IPsec gateways that are allowed to be VPN endpoints.19 Enforcing this policy will require people inside the organization to obtain the appropriate policy approval to open ESP and/or AH access to their IPsec routers. This will also reduce the amount of encrypted traffic coming from inside the network that cannot be examined by network security controls.

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