61. What are the various components of PKI?
Functional elements of a public key infrastructure include certification authorities, registration authorities, repositories, and archives. The users of the PKI come in two flavors: certificate holders
and relying parties. An attribute authority is an optional component.
A certification authority (CA) is similar to a notary. The CA confirms the identities of parties sending and receiving electronic payments or other communications. Authentication is a necessary element of many formal communications between parties, including payment transactions. In most check-cashing transactions, a driver's license with a picture is sufficient authentication. A personal identification number (PIN) provides electronic authentication for transactions at a bank automated teller machine (ATM)
A registration authority (RA) is an entity that is trusted by the CA to register or vouch for the identity of users to a CA.
A repository is a database of active digital certificates for a CA system. The main business of the repository is to provide data that allows users to confirm the status of digital certificates for individuals and businesses that receive digitally signed messages. These message recipients are called relying parties. CAs post certificates and CRLs to repositories.
An archive is a database of information to be used in settling future disputes. The business of the archive is to store and protect sufficient information to determine if a digital signature on an "old" document should be trusted.
The CA issues a public key certificate for each identity, confirming that the identity has the appropriate credentials. A digital certificate typically includes the public key, information about the identity of the party holding the corresponding private key, the operational period for the certificate, and the CA's own digital signature. In addition, the certificate may contain other information about the signing party or information about the recommended uses for the public key. A subscriber is an individual or business entity that has contracted with a CA to receive a digital certificate verifying an identity for digitally signing electronic messages.
CAs must also issue and process certificate revocation lists (CRLs), which are lists of certificates that have been revoked. The list is usually signed by the same entity that issued the certificates. Certificates may be revoked, for example, if the owner's private key has been lost; the owner leaves the company or agency; or the owner's name changes. CRLs also document the historical revocation status of certificates. That is, a dated signature may be presumed to be valid if the signature date was within the validity period of the certificate, and the current CRL of the issuing CA at that date did not show the certificate to be revoked.
PKI users are organizations or individuals that use the PKI, but do not issue certificates. They rely on the other components of the PKI to obtain certificates, and to verify the certificates of other entities that they do business with. End entities include the relying party, who relies on the certificate to know, with certainty, the public key of another entity; and the certificate holder, that is issued a certificate and can sign digital documents. Note that an individual or organization may be both a relying party and a certificate holder for various applications.
Certification Authorities
The certification authority, or CA, is the basic building block of the PKI. The CA is a collection of computer hardware, software, and the people who operate it. The CA is known by two attributes: its name and its public key. The CA performs four basic PKI functions: issues certificates (i.e., creates and signs them); maintains certificate status information and issues CRLs; publishes its current (e.g., unexpired) certificates and CRLs, so users can obtain the information they need to implement security services; and maintains archives of status information about the expired certificates that it issued. These requirements may be difficult to satisfy simultaneously. To fulfill these requirements, the CA may delegate certain functions to the other components of the infrastructure.
A CA may issue certificates to users, to other CAs, or both. When a CA issues a certificate, it is asserting that the subject (the entity named in the certificate) has the private key that corresponds to the public key contained in the certificate. If the CA includes additional information in the certificate, the CA is asserting that information corresponds to the subject as well. This additional information might be contact information (e.g., an electronic mail address), or policy information (e.g., the types of applications that can be performed with this public key.) When the subject of the certificate is another CA, the issuer is asserting that the certificates issued by the other CA are trustworthy.
The CA inserts its name in every certificate (and CRL) it generates, and signs them with its private key. Once users establish that they trust a CA (directly, or through a certification path) they can trust certificates issued by that CA. Users can easily identify certificates issued by that CA by comparing its name. To ensure the certificate is genuine, they verify the signature using the CA's public key. As a result, it is important that the CA provide adequate protection for its own private key. Federal government CAs should always use cryptographic modules that have been validated against FIPS 140.
As CA operation is central to the security services provided by a PKI, this topic is explored in additional detail in Section 5, CA System Operation
Registration Authorities
An RA is designed to verify certificate contents for the CA. Certificate contents may reflect information presented by the entity requesting the certificate, such as a drivers license or recent pay stub. They may also reflect information provided by a third party. For example, the credit limit assigned to a credit card reflects information obtained from credit bureaus. A certificate may reflect data from the company's Human Resources department, or a letter from a designated company official. For example, Bob's certificate could indicate that he has signature authority for small contracts. The RA aggregates these inputs and provides this information to the CA.
Like the CA, the RA is a collection of computer hardware, software, and the person or people who operate it. Unlike a CA, an RA will often be operated by a single person. Each CA will maintain a list of accredited RAs; that is a list of RAs determined to be trustworthy. An RA is known to the CA by a name and a public key. By verifying the RA's signature on a message, the CA can be sure an accredited RA provided the information, and it can be trusted. As a result, it is important that the RA provide adequate protection for its own private key. Federal government RAs should always use cryptographic modules that have been validated against FIPS 140.
PKI Repositories
PKI applications are heavily dependent on an underlying directory service for the distribution of certificates and certificate status information. The directory provides a means of storing and distributing certificates, and managing updates to certificates. Directory servers are typically implementations of the X.500 standard or subset of this standard.
X.500 consists of a series of recommendations and the specification itself references several ISO standards. It was designed for directory services that could work across system, corporate, and international boundaries. A suite of protocols is specified for operations such as chaining, shadowing, and referral for server-to-server communication, and the Directory Access Protocol (DAP) for client to server communication. The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) was later developed as an alternative to DAP. Most directory servers and clients support LDAP, though not all support DAP.
To be useful for the PKI applications, directory servers need to be interoperable; without such interoperability, a relying party will not be able to retrieve the needed certificates and CRLs from remote sites for signature verifications. To promote interoperability among Federal agency directories and thus PKI deployments, the Federal PKI Technical Working Group is developing a Federal PKI Directory Profile [Chang] to assist agencies interested in participating in the FBCA demonstration effort. It is recommended that agencies refer to this document for the minimum interoperability requirements before standing up their agency directories.
An archive accepts the responsibility for long term storage of archival information on behalf of the CA. An archive asserts that the information was good at the time it was received, and has not been modified while in the archive. The information provided by the CA to the archive must be sufficient to determine if a certificate was actually issued by the CA as specified in the certificate, and valid at that time. The archive protects that information through technical mechanisms and appropriate procedures while in its care. If a dispute arises at a later date, the information can be used to verify that the private key associated with the certificate was used to sign a document. This permits the verification of signatures on old documents (such as wills) at a later date.
PKI users
62. Explain mesh and hierarchical PKI structure.
CAs may be linked in a number of ways. Most enterprises that deploy a PKI will choose either a "mesh" or a "hierarchical" architecture:
Authorities are arranged hierarchically under a "root" CA that issues certificates to subordinate CAs. These CAs may issue certificates to CAs below them in the hierarchy, or to users. In a hierarchical PKI, every relying party knows the public key of the root CA. Any certificate may be verified by verifying the certification path of certificates from the root CA. Alice verifies Bob's certificate, issued by CA 4, then CA 4's certificate, issued by CA 2, and then CA 2's certificate issued by CA 1, the root, whose public key she knows.
Independent CA's cross certify each other (that is issue certificates to each other), resulting in a general mesh of trust relationships between peer CAs. Figure 1 (b) illustrates a mesh of authorities. A relying party knows the public key of a CA "near" himself, generally the one that issued his certificate. The relying party verifies certificate by verifying a certification path of certificates that leads from that trusted CA. CAs cross certify with each other, that is they issue certificates to each other, and combine the two in a crossCertificatePair. So, for example, Alice knows the public key of CA 3, while Bob knows the public key of CA 4. There are several certification paths that lead from Bob to Alice. The shortest requires Alice to verify Bob's certificate, issued by CA 4, then CA 4's certificate issued by CA 5 and finally CA 5's certificate, issued by CA 3. CA 3 is Alice's CA and she trusts CA 3 and knows its public key.
63. Explain bridge PKI architecture.
The Bridge CA architecture was designed to connect enterprise PKIs regardless of the architecture. This is accomplished by introducing a new CA, called a Bridge CA, whose sole purpose is to establish relationships with enterprise PKIs.
Unlike a mesh CA, the Bridge CA does not issue certificates directly to users. Unlike a root CA in a hierarchy, the Bridge CA is not intended for use as a trust point. All PKI users consider the Bridge CA an intermediary. The Bridge CA establishes peer-to-peer relationships with different enterprise PKIs. These relationships can be combined to form a bridge of trust connecting the users from the different PKIs.
If the trust domain is implemented as a hierarchical PKI, the Bridge CA will establish a relationship with the root CA. If the domain is implemented as a mesh PKI, the bridge will establish a relationship with only one of its CAs. In either case, the CA that enters into a trust relationship with the Bridge is termed a principal CA.
In Figure 2, the Bridge CA has established relationships with three enterprise PKIs. The first is Bob's and Alice's CA, the second is Carol's hierarchical PKI, and the third is Doug's mesh PKI. None of the users trusts the Bridge CA directly. Alice and Bob trust the CA that issued their certificates; they trust the Bridge CA because the Fox CA issued a certificate to it. Carol's trust point is the root CA of her hierarchy; she trusts the Bridge CA because the root CA issued a certificate to it. Doug trusts the CA in the mesh that issued his certificate; he trusts the Bridge CA because there is a valid certification path from the CA that issued him a certificate to the Bridge CA. Alice (or Bob) can use the bridge of trust that exists through the Bridge CA to establish relationships with Carol and Doug
64. Explain the two basic data structures used in PKIs.
Two basic data structures are used in PKIs. These are the public key certificate and the certificate revocation lists.
X.509 Public Key Certificates
The X.509 public key certificate format [IETF 01] has evolved into a flexible and powerful mechanism. It may be used to convey a wide variety of information. Much of that information is optional, and the contents of mandatory fields may vary as well. It is important for PKI implementers to understand the choices they face, and their consequences. Unwise choices may hinder interoperability or prevent support for critical applications.
The X.509 public key certificate is protected by a digital signature of the issuer. Certificate users know the contents have not been tampered with since the signature was generated if the signature can be verified. Certificates contain a set of common fields, and may also include an optional set of extensions.
Version. The version field describes the syntax of the certificate. When the version field is omitted, the certificate is encoded in the original, version 1, syntax. Version 1 certificates do not include the unique identifiers or extensions. When the certificate includes unique identifiers but not extensions, the version field indicates version 2. When the certificate includes extensions, as almost all modern certificates do, the version field indicates version 3.
Serial number. The serial number is an integer assigned by the certificate issuer to each certificate. The serial number must be unique for each certificate generated by a particular issuer. The combination of the issuer name and serial number uniquely identifies any certificate.
Signature. The signature field indicates which digital signature algorithm (e.g., DSA with SHA-1 or RSA with MD5) was used to protect the certificate.
Issuer. The issuer field contains the X.500 distinguished name of the TTP that generated the certificate
Validity. The validity field indicates the dates on which the certificate becomes valid and the date on which the certificate expires
Subject. The subject field contains the distinguished name of the holder of the private key corresponding to the public key in this certificate. The subject may be a CA, a RA, or an end entity. End entities can be human users, hardware devices, or anything else that might make use of the private key.
Subject public key information. The subject public key information field contains the subject's public key, optional parameters, and algorithm identifier. The public key in this field, along with the optional algorithm parameters, is used to verify digital signatures or perform key management. If the certificate subject is a CA, then the public key is used to verify the digital signature on a certificate
Issuer unique ID and subject unique ID. These fields contain identifiers, and only appear in version 2 or version 3 certificates. The subject and issuer unique identifiers are intended to handle the reuse of subject names or issuer names over time. However, this mechanism has proven to be an unsatisfactory solution. The Internet Certificate and CRL profile does not [HOUS99] recommend inclusion of these fields.
Extensions. This optional field only appears in version 3 certificates. If present, this field contains one or more certificate extensions. Each extension includes an extension identifier, a criticality flag, and an extension value. Common certificate extensions have been defined by ISO and ANSI to answer questions that are not satisfied by the common fields.
Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs)
Certificates contain an expiration date. Unfortunately, the data in a certificate may become unreliable before the expiration date arrives. Certificate issuers need a mechanism to provide a status update for the certificates they have issued. One mechanism is the X.509 certification revocation list (CRL).
CRLs are the PKI analog of the credit card hot list that store clerks review before accepting large credit card transactions. The CRL is protected by a digital signature of the CRL issuer. If the signature can be verified, CRL users know the contents have not been tampered with since the signature was generated. CRLs contain a set of common fields, and may also include an optional set of extensions
The CRL contains the following fields:
Version. The optional version field describes the syntax of the CRL. (In general, the version will be two.)
Signature. The signature field contains the algorithm identifier for the digital signature algorithm used by the CRL issuer to sign the CRL.
Issuer. The issuer field contains the X.500 distinguished name of the CRL issuer.
This update. The this-update field indicates the issue date of this CRL.
Next update. The next-update field indicates the date by which the next CRL will be issued.
Revoked certificates. The revoked certificates structure lists the revoked certificates. The entry for each revoked certificate contains the certificate serial number, time of revocation, and optional CRL entry extensions.
The CRL entry extensions field is used to provide additional information about this particular revoked certificate. This field may only appear if the version is v2.
CRL Extensions. The CRL extensions field is used to provide additional information about the whole CRL. Again, this field may only appear if the version is v2.
65. Write a note on physical architecture of PKI.
There are numerous ways in which a PKI can be designed physically. It is highly recommended that the major PKI components be implemented on separate systems, that is, the CA on one system, the RA on a different system, and directory servers on other systems. Because the systems contain sensitive data, they should be located behind an organization's Internet firewall.The CA system is especially important because a compromise to that system could potentially disrupt the entire operations of the PKI and necessitate starting over with new certificates. Consequently, placing the CA system behind an additional organizational firewall is recommended so that it is protected both from the Internet and from systems in the organization itself. Of course, the organizational firewall would permit communications between the CA and the RA as well as other appropriate systems.
If distinct organizations wish to access certificates from each other, their directories will need to be made available to each other and possibly to other organizations on the Internet. However, some organizations will use the directory server for much more than simply a repository for certificates. The directory server may contain other data considered sensitive to the organization and thus the directory may be too sensitive to be made publicly available. A typical solution would be to create a directory that contains only the public keys or certificates, and to locate this directory at the border of the organization - this directory is referred to as a border directory. A likely location for the directory would be outside the organization's firewall or perhaps on a protected DMZ segment of its network so that it is still available to the public but better protected from attack. Figure 3 illustrates a typical arrangement of PKI-related systems.
The main directory server located within the organization's protected network would periodically refresh the border directory with new certificates or updates to the existing certificates. Users within the organization would use the main directory server, whereas other systems and organizations would access only the border directory. When a user in organization A wishes to send encrypted e-mail to a user in organization B, user A would then retrieve user B's certificate from organization B's border directory, and then use the public key in that certificate to encrypt the e-mail.
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